animal videos

  • I choose this video because it's very beautiful and emotional, and for me, it shows how strong can be the bond between an animal and his owner, even with such a radical change like the man's change, the dog didn't forget him and keep loving him.
  •  I think this video shows how we damage our oceans and our animals, i would like that people were more conscious about the enviroment and how to protect it, because not all the animals trapped in nets are saved, so we have to change how we do some things to help the planet.
  •  I'd like you to see this video because i think it's important to see the work that this people do to  conserve pandas. This video helps to create conscience about endangered species and the labor that some people do to conserve this beautiful and cute animals.


  1. Hi Dani i think that the panda´s video is too cute and kawai, I listen that in China the people works huging pandas, maybe is your perfect work ;)

  2. The conserve of species is very important, but the people don't understand this ;c


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